Tuesday, September 25, 2012

RS Activity for October

Conference quickies, quotes and quality time!

Tuesday October 2nd the RS Activity Committee has put together a treat for YOU! 
Come join us for oodles of ideas and sharing! 
Need some ideas for keeping your kids/grandkids engaged in conference? 

What about making it a special weekend or starting some new conference traditions? 
Food ideas? The committee has you covered with new fun breakfast recipes - and SAMPLING - woot woot! 
Plus we will all recap the RS Broadcast and the Ensign Challenge by sharing a favorite quote, thought, experience, talk, etc. 
**Please come "prepared" with something to share from the broadcast or the latest conference edition. Just write down a little something on a card and bring it**
The more we share - the closer we become! and you ladies are awesome - wink

6:30pm - nursery provided! 
We will see you there!!