Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ch 17 - lesson summary

Sister Nolan started off her lesson by reviewing the following from the manual: Faith is a gift from the
Lord through which the righteous are empowered to do remarkable things.

President Smith tells a story of his experience as a mission president in Europe after World War I. His
job was to get approval for 250 missionaries to serve in that area where conditions were strained, and
where they were barely able to feed their own people. The American ambassador was able to get
him an audience with Sir Robert Horne, the Minister of Labour for Great Britain. Though this was a
daunting task President Smith’s faith afforded him the inspiration necessary to gain their confidence and
persuade officials to grant visas and allow the missionaries in.

She then asked the question; How have you been influenced by the faith of others, such as a family
member or close friend?

She discussed many of the prophets and others from the scriptures who displayed great faith; Noah,
Lot, Moses, Daniel, Shadrach, Mishach, and Abednego, Elijah, the brother of Jared, and of course Joseph
Smith. They all had some commonalities, they listened to the Lord and they were great examples. In
our dispensation our early prophets Joseph Smith and Brigham Young displayed great faith in many
aspects as they led members of the church through challenging times and eventually to the west. One
of Lexi’s ancestors was a settler in the Salt Lake Valley; their diary described the great miracle of the
seagulls devouring the crickets to save the crops of the pioneers.

Faith gives us hope in the battle of life, again from the manual: “It is this principle, my brethren and
sisters, that points us heavenward, that gives us hope in the balled of life. When we become confused,
and find ourselves confronted by obstacles, we, seemingly, cannot overcome, having faith in the
Redeemer of the world, we can go to Him and know that our prayers will be answered for our good”.

Sister Nolan shared a personal experience and testified that God does know us and what we need.
We need to be grateful for challenges and trials in our lives. She expressed that her trials have been a
blessings to her as they has better prepared her to have compassion and help others. She asked us to
ponder on how our faith has strengthen us for the battle of life.

When facing life’s challenges we need to be mindful of “giving the Lord a chance”. Several sisters shared
personal stories of how their faith has been strengthened as they’ve had faith in the Lord and in His
timetable as they’ve met challenges in their lives.

Our faith is contingent on our righteousness. It’s important to keep the commandments…see Alma
32:35-43. “If we lack faith let us examine ourselves to see if we have been keeping His commandments,
and repent without delay if we have not…May the Lord increase our faith, and may we live to be worthy
of it.”

This was Lexi Nolan’s first lesson as our new RS teacher and she did a wonderful job! Thanks Lexi! We
look forward to hearing from you every month!

- Sis. Mark