Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Immortality of the soul - lesson summary

Sis. Couch gave her 1st lesson today since being called as a new RS instructor. 
Chapter 7 from the manual - The Immortality of the soul

"George Albert Smith was blessed with a firm understanding of the purpose of life, and this enabled him to encourage others as they faced adversity. He frequently reminded the Saints that “we are living eternal lives”—that eternity doesn’t begin after this life but that mortality is a crucial part of eternity. “I sometimes have said to my friends when they seemed to be at the crossroads, uncertain as to which way they wanted to go, ‘Today is the beginning of eternal happiness or eternal disappointment for you.’”

"I have no more doubt about eternal life and the immortality of the soul than I have that the sun shines at midday. …" 

There were 5 points that the lesson brought out 
1. We lived as spirits before we came to earth, and our spirits will continue living after we die. 

Sis Couch read the lyrics to the primary song - I lived in Heaven
2. Our purpose here on earth is to prepare ourselves to live with our Heavenly Father. 

" we receive of and obey the natural laws of our Father that govern this life, we become more like Him; and as we take advantage of the opportunities placed within our reach, we prepare to receive greater opportunities in this life and in the life that is to come. …this probation is not to prepare us to die, but to live;"

3. During this life we should seek after those things that are of eternal worth. 

"When I think of the millions of God’s children in the world, and realize how little they are striving for the things that are really worth while, I feel sad....The treasures that we will find when we go to the other side will be those that we have laid up there by ministering to our Father’s other sons and daughters with whom we have associated here."

4. Because of Jesus Christ, we will be resurrected. 

"Now a good many people in the world do not know what the resurrection is. Do you teach your children and your associates what it means?"

5. Our knowledge of the immortality of the soul inspires, encourages, and comforts us. 

"The knowledge that all the good we accomplish here, and all the development we make, will enhance our happiness eternally, encourages us to do our best...If those who have passed on could speak to us, they would say, “Press on, press on, for the goal that will bring us eternal happiness together.” Do the things the Lord would have you do, and you will not miss anything that is worth while..."

Thank you Sis Couch. We look forward to hearing more lessons from you this year! 

- Sis Pyrah