Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter lesson summary

Sis. Mark taught the lesson this week and she started out by showing this Mormon Message

She asked - "What motivated Christ to do that for us? (unconditional love).......What can we do......(love others)?"

Sis. Mark talked about being disciples/followers of Christ. That His way is our way. He was always about doing good. He had compassion for all. We are to follow Jesus Christ under any circumstance. He has experienced it all.

Sis. Mark focused on 2 characteristics that followers of Christ have.
1. They make covenants. - We are covenant making people - baptismal, temple, etc....these are required.
We make them but we are not done. We have to KEEP them.
The sacrament helps us to remember some of the covenants we have made.

2. Love of All - by this shall men know ye are my disciples. If ye have love one to another....
Like faith love must be exercised to grow. 

Sis Mark asked - "What do we promise as followers?"
to testify
keep covenants
to be called after his name
participate in his ministry
and in Luke 10: 41 -42 - to choose the better part

He will bless us as follow Him with the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the things we really need, the power to do His work, the blessing of returning to Him and so on.....

Sis Mark wrapped up her lesson by reading the words to the song More Holiness Give me

Thank you Sis. Mark! 

- Sis. Pyrah