Monday, April 30, 2012

You matter to Him - lesson summary

This weeks lesson was from the conference talk - You Matter to Him by Pres. Uchtdorf. 
Sis Murdock taught the lesson to the RS and also the Laurels and their leaders too.

Pres. Uchtdorf said, "Moses stood in the presence of God and spoke to Him face to face as a man speaks with his friend.1 During the course of that visitation, God showed Moses the workmanship of His hands, granting him a glimpse of His work and glory. When the vision ended, Moses fell to the earth for the space of many hours. When his strength finally returned, he realized something that, in all his years in Pharaoh’s court, had never occurred to him before. “I know,” he said, “that man is nothing."

The lesson brought out a couple of points that Sis. Murdock highlighted:




Heavenly Father has created more creations than all the sands in all beaches of the earth and the stars in the heavens. We know the worth of souls is great - we are the reason Heavenly Father created this universe. 
"Compared to God man is nothing but to God we are everything."

We judge ourselves on our outward appearance and what other see but the Lord looks at our heart. 

Sis Murdock asked 5 different sisters to pick 1 person in the room and share 1 thing about them that they admire or a special talent they have that is unique. 
It was wonderful to sit and listen and also to reflect on the sisters in the room and think of something to ourselves. 

Sis. Murdock shared and read the book - "You are Special" by Max Lucado. 
If you haven't read it - it's a must read for you and your family, grandkids, etc. 

Pres. Uchtdorf said, "At the time, Big Spring, despite its name, was a small, insignificant, and unknown place. And I often felt exactly the same way about myself—insignificant, unknown, and quite alone. Even so, I never once wondered if the Lord had forgotten me or if He would ever be able to find me there. I knew that it didn’t matter to Heavenly Father where I was, where I ranked with others in my pilot training class, or what my calling in the Church was. What mattered to Him was that I was doing the best I could, that my heart was inclined toward Him, and that I was willing to help those around me. I knew if I did the best I could, all would be well. And all was well.

The Lord doesn’t care at all if we spend our days working in marble halls or stable stalls. He knows where we are, no matter how humble our circumstances. He will use—in His own way and for His holy purposes—those who incline their hearts to Him."

She then passed out a handout that has 50 different things that Heavenly Father KNOWS about us with a scripture reference to "back it up." 

Thank you Sister Murdock for the wonderful message

- Sis. Pyrah

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

MAY RS Activity

Daughters in my Kingdom - Part 1
say what??? Yes! for the 1st time ever the creative committee has split the RS activity night into 2 parts! 

PART will be on May 1st and Part 2 will be in June! 
May 1 - 6:30pm
Honoring and paying tribute to the Women in our lives

Bring an object or memento that reminds you of a woman who has made a difference in your life or who inspired you (mom, sister, friend, daughter, leader, etc). Or just come to hear how through simple acts we can influence others. 

We would also like to see a picture of your mother. So bring it with you if you can. Do you look like her? We want to know! 

Part 2 will be a book discussion on the Daughters in my Kingdom book!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Temple Blessings for ourselves....lesson summary

Temple Blessings for ourselves and our ancestors 
Sister Crouch began her lesson by having Autumn Hadley sing, I Love to See the Temple. That beautiful
children's hymn shares the message of the importance of temples in our lives.

There are examples in the scriptures of temples used anciently, such as, Herod's temple in Jerusalem,
the temple where King Benjamin gave his speech, and children of Israel in the wilderness who carried
around tents they used for temples.

Joseph Smith helped restore the use of temples to our day. The Kirtland temple was the first temple
built by the early saints in this dispensation. It was used much like a meeting house but it served an
important purpose. . ."It was there that the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery saw the Savior
upon the breastwork of the pulpit. It was there that Moses committed to them the keys of the gathering
of Israel; and that Elias and Elijah came in the power and majesty of their great callings, and delivered
the keys that had been committed to their care in the days of their ministry on the earth."

In 1905, as a new Apostle, George Albert Smith toured several important Church history sites, one of
which was the Kirtland temple. As he walked through the temple he thought about the devoted Saints
who built it. "When we realized that the building was constructed by people in extreme poverty, how
courageous men worked during the day to lay the foundations and build the walls of that structure, and
then at night stood and defended it with weapons against those who had sworn that the building should
never be completed, [he] could not help but feel that it was no wonder the Lord received their offerings
and blessed them as few people have been blest upon the earth."

Doctrine and Covenants 110 tells that the purpose and importance of the temple was to restore the
keys to the sacred ordinances.

In the temple we receive sacred ordinances, including ordinances that bind families for eternity.

In order that we might be prepared for the [celestial] kingdom, the Lord, in his mercy, in this latter day
restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and placed in it divine authority, and then gave understanding to his
children that certain ordinances may be received and performed. For this purpose temples were built
and into those temples those who desire a place in the Celestial Kingdom have the opportunity to go and
receive their blessings, to enrich their lives and prepare them for that kingdom.

We are the only people in the world who know what temples are for.

Each [temple] has been built to one great eternal purpose: to serve as a House of the Lord, to provide
a place sacred and suitable for the performing of holy ordinances that bind on earth as in heaven --
ordinances for the dead and for the living that assure those who receive them and who are faithful to
their covenants, the possession and association of their families, worlds without end, and exaltation
with them in the celestial kingdom of our Father.

There are only a few places in the world where we can be married for eternity, and that is in the temples
of God.

Ideas were shared of ways we can help our children have the desire to prepare to enter the temple:
Have pictures of temples in their individual rooms.
Attend a temple open house when a new temple is built.
Share the special magazine publications from the Church about temples that show pictures and
explain the purpose of temples.
Show by example by attending regularly and sharing your feelings about the importance of the
temple in your life.

"Let us instruct our young people in these matters from their earliest youth, so that when they approach
the time of marriage, there will be no question in their minds as to where or how or by whom that sacred
ordinance should be performed -- and the only place in which it may be performed for time and for
eternity is in a temple."

Sister Crouch reminded us that we are so fortunate to have so many temples continually being built. She
remembers the day that when a temple was announced to be built in an area, those living in that temple
area would have to raise money (by different means - even having bake sales and such) to help provide
some of the money needed to have the temple built.

Through temple work we make eternal blessings available to our deceased ancestors.

. . .After we have been to the House of the Lord for our own blessings, let us think of our responsibility to
our forebears. What will be your reception when you go on the other side?

Think of the devotion and the faithfulness of those who day after day go into these temples and officiate
for those who have passed to the other side, and know this that those who are on the other side are just
as anxious about us. They are praying for us and for our success. They are pleading, in their own way, for
their descendants, for their posterity who live upon the earth.

We need to do those things necessary for us to be prepared and worthy to go to the temple.

Thank you, Sister Crouch, for this beautiful lesson reminding us of the importance of temples!

- Sister Snow

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Immortality of the soul - lesson summary

Sis. Couch gave her 1st lesson today since being called as a new RS instructor. 
Chapter 7 from the manual - The Immortality of the soul

"George Albert Smith was blessed with a firm understanding of the purpose of life, and this enabled him to encourage others as they faced adversity. He frequently reminded the Saints that “we are living eternal lives”—that eternity doesn’t begin after this life but that mortality is a crucial part of eternity. “I sometimes have said to my friends when they seemed to be at the crossroads, uncertain as to which way they wanted to go, ‘Today is the beginning of eternal happiness or eternal disappointment for you.’”

"I have no more doubt about eternal life and the immortality of the soul than I have that the sun shines at midday. …" 

There were 5 points that the lesson brought out 
1. We lived as spirits before we came to earth, and our spirits will continue living after we die. 

Sis Couch read the lyrics to the primary song - I lived in Heaven
2. Our purpose here on earth is to prepare ourselves to live with our Heavenly Father. 

" we receive of and obey the natural laws of our Father that govern this life, we become more like Him; and as we take advantage of the opportunities placed within our reach, we prepare to receive greater opportunities in this life and in the life that is to come. …this probation is not to prepare us to die, but to live;"

3. During this life we should seek after those things that are of eternal worth. 

"When I think of the millions of God’s children in the world, and realize how little they are striving for the things that are really worth while, I feel sad....The treasures that we will find when we go to the other side will be those that we have laid up there by ministering to our Father’s other sons and daughters with whom we have associated here."

4. Because of Jesus Christ, we will be resurrected. 

"Now a good many people in the world do not know what the resurrection is. Do you teach your children and your associates what it means?"

5. Our knowledge of the immortality of the soul inspires, encourages, and comforts us. 

"The knowledge that all the good we accomplish here, and all the development we make, will enhance our happiness eternally, encourages us to do our best...If those who have passed on could speak to us, they would say, “Press on, press on, for the goal that will bring us eternal happiness together.” Do the things the Lord would have you do, and you will not miss anything that is worth while..."

Thank you Sis Couch. We look forward to hearing more lessons from you this year! 

- Sis Pyrah

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter lesson summary

Sis. Mark taught the lesson this week and she started out by showing this Mormon Message

She asked - "What motivated Christ to do that for us? (unconditional love).......What can we do......(love others)?"

Sis. Mark talked about being disciples/followers of Christ. That His way is our way. He was always about doing good. He had compassion for all. We are to follow Jesus Christ under any circumstance. He has experienced it all.

Sis. Mark focused on 2 characteristics that followers of Christ have.
1. They make covenants. - We are covenant making people - baptismal, temple, etc....these are required.
We make them but we are not done. We have to KEEP them.
The sacrament helps us to remember some of the covenants we have made.

2. Love of All - by this shall men know ye are my disciples. If ye have love one to another....
Like faith love must be exercised to grow. 

Sis Mark asked - "What do we promise as followers?"
to testify
keep covenants
to be called after his name
participate in his ministry
and in Luke 10: 41 -42 - to choose the better part

He will bless us as follow Him with the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the things we really need, the power to do His work, the blessing of returning to Him and so on.....

Sis Mark wrapped up her lesson by reading the words to the song More Holiness Give me

Thank you Sis. Mark! 

- Sis. Pyrah

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Babies, babies....

Is there something in the water??? :) 

Congrats to the Wilhelm family! They will be welcoming baby #3 to their family this October!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another girl for the Rollins :)

Sis Rollins gave me permission to share the good news that they will be welcoming baby GIRL #2 to their family in August! 

Congrats to their family! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Conference thoughts - Sis Griffin

 I loved Elder Anderson's talk as he shared the scripture... 

What think ye of Christ?  

Then he switched it to be.... 

Two different  questions, both great sermons.

- Sis Griffin

Monday, April 2, 2012

Conference thoughts - Sis Pyrah

My first thought when Conference was all wrapped up was - When can the "Ensign girls" get together and discuss! I am really looking forward to hearing these talks taught as lessons on 4th Sundays and hearing your thoughts at the next Ensign meet up in the Fall. 

I had several favorite quotes but one that seems to be favorite with others I have talked is this one from Pres. Monson (Sunday morning session) :

 - Sis. Pyrah

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Conference thoughts - Sis Mark

Once again, conference was amazing...can't wait to start listening and reading the talks again (the Saturday session is already on the Mormon Channel Open-mouth smile)
I really loved Elder Hallstrom's talk on Saturday morning about the importance of being active in the church AND the gospel, we need both.
I loved President Uchtdorf's talk (as always) about not judging and the importance of forgiving, especially ourselves.  I wrote down a specific quote from his talk,

- Sis Mark