Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lesson 7 JFS manual

Sis Dixon taught lesson 7 in the manual today. 
Something interesting she shared was this found at the end of the lesson and is a help for the Teacher: 

"One way to encourage diligent learning is to listen carefully when someone asks a question or makes a comment. Listening is an expression of love. It often requires sacrifice. When we truly listen to others, we often give up what we want to say so they can express themselves."

This quote tells us that it's not all the responsibility of the teacher but that we has the ones in the class we need to be prepared and ready for the lessons and share our thoughts and comments. 

The lesson focused on Joseph and Hyrum Smith. It said,
" We raise our voices in thanksgiving for the lives and ministries of the Prophet Joseph Smith, of Hyrum Smith the Patriarch, and of the prophets and apostles and righteous men and women who have built on the foundation they laid." 

She asked us how we can and do show love for the prophet today?