Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 - Sending out an SOS - our theme for the year

Dear Adams Park Ward Sisters-
Welcome to 2014! A year we hope is filled with opportunities and blessings for your families!
As we reflect back on our Relief Society theme last year: "Find JOY in your journey", we felt 
like it was important to keep our focus on joy (because counting our blessings should always 
be important in our lives), but narrow our direction to the source of true joy -- Jesus Christ. So 
throughout this next year we hope to support one another in a more concentrated focus on a 
journey to Seek Our Savior. (SOS)

We encourage you to create a personal SOS plan to develop a closer relationship with the Savior this year. All of us face different life circumstances and situations. We all need strength in dealing with them. This strength comes from faith in the Savior's love and in the power of His atonement.If we truly Seek Our Savior -- daily, weekly, monthly, and let it become a part of us -- we will be happier, our testimony will increase, and we will draw closer in our relationship to our Savior.Remember: "When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed." -Ezra Taft Benson

May we each feel of His loving guidance and influence-
Sister Snow