Monday, November 11, 2013

Lesson 22 snippets

Lesson 22 - Lorenzo Snow Manual
This lesson focused on making our heart and home a more heavenly place.
In this endeavor, everyday we should try

  • To be a little more faithful
  • To be a little better
  • To have more love and affection for our neighbors
  • To b e a friend to everyone, everywhere
  • To extend our charity and labor in the interest of all mankind
  • To be upright, just and merciful
  • To exercise the spirit of nobility and goodness in all our act and dealings
  • To cutlivate a spirit of charity
  • To be ready to do for others more than we would expect from them
  • To be ambitious to be great in the eyes of God
  • To love the Lord they God with all our hear, mght, mind and strength
  • To try to love mankind because they are our brethren
  • To pray for the spiit of philanthophy
This looks like an overwhelming list, just try one thing a day, a week, or a month...progress is what's important
A person never can enjoy heaven until he learns how to get it and ac upon it's princples - President Lorenzo Snow