Monday, September 2, 2013

Presidency Message from Sis. Snow

Sis. Snow taught the lesson this Sunday and the message for this months newsletter coincides right along with it! 

September is here marking another change in the season and the beginning of a new school year for our families. As we see the children going back to school, I would ask each of us what we are doing to obtain our "higher education." Along with our scripture study and attending church, I would also encourage making temple attendance a top priority to obtain greater understanding and learning. What a blessing this resource is that is just waiting for us to explore, yet often gets overlooked because of busy schedules filling up our time.
 Elder Perry spoke on the need for finding balance in life and emphasized the need to provide time for family, time for work, time for study, time for service, time for self, and especially time for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why do you think he emphasized "especially time for the gospel of Jesus Christ?" I know that when you put that first, everything else that is needful will work out for your good.
I loved the example Elder Ballard shared in his conference address of the wilted tomato plant. (see April 2013 "This is My Work and Glory")
"Her small tomato plant, so full of potential but so weakened and wilted from unintentional neglect, was strengthened and revived through the simple ministration of water and light by the little girl's loving and caring hands."

"Brothers and sisters, as the literal spirit children of our loving Heavenly Father, we have unlimited, divine potential. But if we are not careful, we can become like the wilted tomato plant. We can drift away from the true doctrine and gospel of Christ and become spiritually undernourished and wilted, having removed ourselves from the divine light and living
waters of the Savior's eternal love and priesthood power.
 "What a powerful lesson -- through unintentional neglect we will drift and become spiritually distanced from our Savior's influence in our lives. Please take time to the check the condition of your testimony of Jesus Christ. Let us be ever diligent to provide the nurturing of divine light and living water to strengthen our devotion to hold fast to His principles and follow in His footsteps.
I am so excited about the news in the current September Ensign where it was announced that beginning in October the Relief Society Visiting Teaching Messages will focus on the divine mission of Jesus Christ and His many roles and attributes. How wonderful it will be to focus on the teachings and examples of our Savior and discuss this with the sisters we visit. Individuals and families will be strengthened as we invite the influence of the Savior into our lives.
Thank you for all you do to watch over, serve and love one another!
Sister Snow