Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lesson 16 nugget

Sister Laraway gave the lesson today from Chapter 16 - That we may become one. 

She said when we think of unity we sometimes think of sameness. But we are different and we need to be. When we think of Unity it's not about all being the same. We can still be united and be different. 

How can we bind ourselves together? 
Pres. Snow said , "We talk considerably in regard to the principle of loving our neighbors as well as we love ourselves; we talk about it and we sometimes think about it, but how much do we really enter into the spirit of these things...Let your minds be expanded to comprehend and look after the interest of your friends that are around you, and where it is in your power to secure benefits to your friend do so...

We have the opportunity to RISE UP and reach out to those around us. Those that are in our ward but don't feel a part. Those that are struggling. Those we don't know. Those seeking a friend. Or those just seeking for someone to sit by. What about those wondering if anyone even knows they aren't there? 

We are united but only to a certain point or level. If we each did our own small part to become more unity it would trickle around the ward and our sisterhood would increase.