Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lesson 13 - Lesson tibdit

Sort of changing the format a bit. Instead of a summary we'll be giving you just a little bit of a tidbit. Not too much and not too little but like the 3 bears - "hopefully just right". We want you to be present in RS. We can only become stronger and better as a ward of sisters when we can share in each others spirit. We hope these little tidbits will spark enough of a desire in your to come and participate and those that cannot we hope it sparks a desire to read more. 

Lesson 13 - Sis Amy Pressler

This was my favorite quote from Pres. Snow from the lesson and Amy's also: 

"This is what we desire to instill into the hearts of the sisters—to be useful in their sphere and not be discouraged because of difficulties in the way, but trust in God and look to Him, and His marvelous blessings, I promise you, will be poured out upon you. This shall be your experience. … Let me reiterate again, don’t be discouraged, but go on and accomplish good, exercise faith, and every opportunity that is presented seek to improve upon it. We want you to exercise all the talents that God has bestowed upon you. And there is this about it in reference to your prospects of success. When a person commences to travel over a path that the Lord has marked out, and by which to accomplish good in His interest, he is sure to succeed. He is precisely where God wants him to be, and there is the place that you may, with the greatest propriety, ask God for His blessing"
Full lesson here