Monday, February 11, 2013

Lesson Summary #3 Lifelong Conversion

Sister Nolan taught our lesson this week, which was #3 from the Teachings of Lorenzo Snow; Lifelong Conversion: continuing to Advance in the Principles of Truth.
In speaking of his baptism and confirmation, President Snow said “I was perfectly satisfied that I had done what was wisdom for me to do under the circumstances”.  A few weeks later he began to be troubled that he had had no special manifestation, and yearned for that special manifestation from the Holy Ghost.  He had developed a ritual of prayer, but on this certain day he nearly determined to forgo that “evening service”.  But as a matter of formality he did kneel to pray.  He did receive that manifestation, a perfect knowledge that God lives, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and of the restoration of the Holy Priesthood, and the fullness of the gospel.
He taught that we need to continue to work on our testimony everyday of our life, gaining that testimony is the starting point.
We are reminded that we all have weak spots, and no one is exempt from Satan’s desire to fine and manipulate our weak spots.  As we strive to learn more about the gospel we may have questions; it’s ok to question we just have to be careful the way we do it.  If we approach our questions as doubts, doubt will play on our minds and get us looking for flaws, not for answers of truth.  Questioning with faith is the key to getting peace and finding answers. The Lord wants us to continue to learn while we’re here on earth, after all, we’ll continue to learn and grow in the next life.
As we are enlightened we have responsibilities.  President Snow said “I have tried to live in such a way as not to lose His Holy Spirit, but to be guided by it continually, trying to get rid of my selfishness and any wrongful ambition, and endeavoring to work in His interest.”  In other words, we have to live it. 
If we desire to increase in our faith and spiritual knowledge, we must exert ourselves, we must learn His will.  President Smith counseled, “The time is come when it behooves every man and every woman to know for themselves in relation to the foundation on which they stand.  We ought to…get the Spirit ourselves, and not be satisfied to walk in the light as it is shadowed forth by others.”  He taught with an analogy of learning to play the flute.  At first there is a lot of concentration just learning how to place fingers and our mouth, but before long it all comes naturally.  And so it is with matters that pertain to the things of God.  We have to exert ourselves.
Words from the song “Do His Will” from The Savior of the World production were shared:
Ask God all your questions. Hear His voice so still.  Let the Spirit’s whisper teach how to do His will. Then go and do His will.
A favorite quote was also shared; “Let Go and Let God”. 
Lastly, Sister Nolan compared the process of gaining and continuing to nurture our testimonies to that of making pickles.  You can have all the right ingredients, but it takes time and processing to get a flavorful pickle…we don’t just get pickled over night, nor do we obtain a firm testimony just once, it’s a continual process.
Thanks Sister Nolan for a great lesson!