Monday, February 25, 2013

Goodly parents - lesson summary

Sis. Tonya Murdock gave our lesson today combining 2 different conference talks - Becoming goodly parents by L. Tom Perry & Protect the Children by Dallin H. Oaks

Elder Perrys says he turned 90 this year and reflected back on all the change that has occured in his lifetime - think automobiles, technology, etc. Through all the fast pace and changes of life, we want the principles of the gospel to endure. At the top of the list and the target of the adversary is the sanctity of marriage and the strength of the family. 

Elder Perry says there are 5 things we should be doing in our families: 
1. Pray in earnest
2. Hold family prayer, scripture study, F.H.E. and EAT together as often as possible.
3. Use the churches network system. Communicate with primary teachers, youth leaders and quorum presidencies. 
4. Share your testimony with your children. 
5.Organize your family - simple rules and expectations, traditions, responsibilities and pay tithing.

Sis Murdock and other added several comments including these that I wanted to share:

"We have to Parent with our heart"
"There isn't an instruction manual"
"We don't have failures in our home, we have learning experiences"
"As long as you try, it's not a failure"

Switching over to Elder Oaks talk, Sis. Murdock asked us - What are some of the worldly influences our children face?
We need to make our homes a safe haven from the world. We need to make them a safe place to talk about things. Boundaries are a great safety net for everyone. Not just children.

Sis. Murdock shared a favorite quote:
Of all the joys in life, non other equals that joy of a happy parenthood.

She asked, "Are we happy parents?" She closed her lesson by saying parenthood is the hardest thing I've ever done but the rewards are great!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lesson Summary - Ward Conference

We had the special treat of being taught by our Stake RS president Sis. Naumann. The title of her lesson was "For such a time as This / Doing what the Lord needs us to do"

She talked about the story of Esther. How it has all the parts of a great story - drama, suspense, happily ever after, etc. She prepared herself spiritually first to fulfill her purpose. She was put on the earth at that time for that mission.

Sis Naumann then reflected on herself, "What am I doing and preparing to fulfill my purpose?"
She said Obedience is key. Maybe our mission is different now then it was in the past. Now we need to work on other things. 

She shared a wonderful quote by Ardeth Kapp that said we are foreordained for this time. The Lord is counting on each of us.
We all know the phrase - Where much is given much is expected. We each have something we have promised we would do for the Lord. 
Turn to your Patriarchal blessing. Re -read it. It will have different messages for different times in your life. 
Go the temple often - if we ask the Lord what our purpose is He is will let us know. 
Ask in prayer - He wants us to know what we should be being and what he needs from us. Sincerely ask and He will tell you. 

The Lord has confidence in us to fulfill our mission. Otherwise we wouldn't be here at this time. Trials, disappointments and heartache are not always explained but remain faithful with hope and trust in the Lord. Heavenly Father knows what our trials are. We are His. We are precious in His sight. We didn't come here to find out worth - it came with us. He knows our potential and power to become like Him. We can influence and make a difference to those around us. We don't have to influence thousands - even 1 is important.

She told of a story that was recounted to her from her son recently returned from a mission. There was an older man who heard a speech titled, "Mormons are of the devil." The man attending "stood up" for the Mormons he knew saying they were kind people and certainly not of the devil. He left and told his wife they needed to find out all they could about Mormons. They packed their car, left El Paso Texas and headed for SLC, Utah. They spent 2 days at Temple Square and filled out a referral card before they left. When they returned home and were emptying their car 2 boys on bicycles rode up into their driveway :) The missionaries. They invited them in at once and said, "Elders, please tell us everything you know." 2 weeks later he was baptized and 2 months later his wife was. He also has since received his Patriarchal blessing and in it is stated, "if the person assigned to share the gospel with you would have done his would have been a member years ago." This man asked the elders, "Where was that person? I could have had these blessings years ago. I could have raised my children in the knowledge of the gospel...Where was that person?" 
Sis. Naumann then said, "Do I need to make a course correction?" 
Are we fulfilling what we said we would do here at this time on earth? If we all do what we can to ACT in obedience and serve more diligently we can look back and see the Lord was blessing and directing our path and like Esther fulfill what we were sent to do at such a time as this. 

Thank you Sis. Naumann! Such a wonderful message!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stake Womens Conference

They are collecting a head count for dinner so please let Luann know if you will be there (or think you will be there) and if you are bringing anyone! It should be a wonderful evening....

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Upcoming RS birthday celebration!

Oooooh! the RS committee has a "treat" in store for you next month!!! Mark your calendars now to attend the annual RS birthday celebration on the first Wednesday of March! 

It's a party!!! Enjoy a party atmosphere with the sisters from our ward, some great chit chat, laughter and maybe even a few tears. Get your cup filled....or maybe your fill of "cup"cakes! 
Dinner will be served, gifts will be given, music will fill your ears, smiles will cross your faces, laughter (and FOOD) will fill your mouths and hopefully your hearts will be full.
Did I mention there will be cupcakes? :) 

Grab your neighbor, friend, visiting teaching route and make sure we have "no empty chairs" as we have take a JOYfull night night!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lesson Summary #3 Lifelong Conversion

Sister Nolan taught our lesson this week, which was #3 from the Teachings of Lorenzo Snow; Lifelong Conversion: continuing to Advance in the Principles of Truth.
In speaking of his baptism and confirmation, President Snow said “I was perfectly satisfied that I had done what was wisdom for me to do under the circumstances”.  A few weeks later he began to be troubled that he had had no special manifestation, and yearned for that special manifestation from the Holy Ghost.  He had developed a ritual of prayer, but on this certain day he nearly determined to forgo that “evening service”.  But as a matter of formality he did kneel to pray.  He did receive that manifestation, a perfect knowledge that God lives, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and of the restoration of the Holy Priesthood, and the fullness of the gospel.
He taught that we need to continue to work on our testimony everyday of our life, gaining that testimony is the starting point.
We are reminded that we all have weak spots, and no one is exempt from Satan’s desire to fine and manipulate our weak spots.  As we strive to learn more about the gospel we may have questions; it’s ok to question we just have to be careful the way we do it.  If we approach our questions as doubts, doubt will play on our minds and get us looking for flaws, not for answers of truth.  Questioning with faith is the key to getting peace and finding answers. The Lord wants us to continue to learn while we’re here on earth, after all, we’ll continue to learn and grow in the next life.
As we are enlightened we have responsibilities.  President Snow said “I have tried to live in such a way as not to lose His Holy Spirit, but to be guided by it continually, trying to get rid of my selfishness and any wrongful ambition, and endeavoring to work in His interest.”  In other words, we have to live it. 
If we desire to increase in our faith and spiritual knowledge, we must exert ourselves, we must learn His will.  President Smith counseled, “The time is come when it behooves every man and every woman to know for themselves in relation to the foundation on which they stand.  We ought to…get the Spirit ourselves, and not be satisfied to walk in the light as it is shadowed forth by others.”  He taught with an analogy of learning to play the flute.  At first there is a lot of concentration just learning how to place fingers and our mouth, but before long it all comes naturally.  And so it is with matters that pertain to the things of God.  We have to exert ourselves.
Words from the song “Do His Will” from The Savior of the World production were shared:
Ask God all your questions. Hear His voice so still.  Let the Spirit’s whisper teach how to do His will. Then go and do His will.
A favorite quote was also shared; “Let Go and Let God”. 
Lastly, Sister Nolan compared the process of gaining and continuing to nurture our testimonies to that of making pickles.  You can have all the right ingredients, but it takes time and processing to get a flavorful pickle…we don’t just get pickled over night, nor do we obtain a firm testimony just once, it’s a continual process.
Thanks Sister Nolan for a great lesson!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

1st Sunday - Testimonies

Sis Mark gave our lesson today on Testimonies. Joseph Smith was once asked, "What are the fundamentals of your religion? He answered by saying that the testimonies of the prophets and apostles that Jesus came this earth, died and was resurrected and lives today is the fundamental part of our religion." 

She asked us to think about and share thoughts on the importance of YOUR testimony and the advantage of having one. 

Several quotes were shared from our leaders regarding testimonies. Here is a quick synopsis: 
- Testimonies change lives
- Strong testimonies are anchored in conviction that God won't fail us and He will fulfill His promises
- 2 Nephi 25:26 - We talk of Christ, we preach of Christ....
- Whatever our circumstances are, we can be given the knowledge to know that God lives

We have been counseled that it's our responsibility to work and gain our own testimony
A testimony will always included the following simple and clear truths: 
1. God lives and we are His children
2. Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and Savior to the World. 
3. Joseph Smith is the prophet who God restored the gospel of Jesus Christ through in the latter days. 
4. Book of Mormon is the word of God. 
5. We have a living prophet today and his counselors and members of the 12 are prophets, seers and revelators in our day.

We ended our lesson with comments and stories shared from several sisters in response to this question Sis. Mark asked: 
What strengthens your testimony? 

"There is no better way to get peace and comfort than to keep your testimony firm" - Sis. Mark