Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lesson Summary - Chapter 19

The manual says, "Daniel was a prophet of God, and he was a prophet because he kept the commandments of God. I would like you … to take this message with you. Daniel observed the teachings of God with his companions, with reference to the kind of food and drink they should have, and refused to accept the food that was served upon the king’s table."

Sis Nolan asked, "How do you politely refuse items that are against the Word of Wisdom?"
The manual goes on to say, "The gospel of Jesus Christ is to preserve souls, of which the body is the tabernacle, for eternal happiness....Our Heavenly Father in his kindness and love [warned]: “In consequence of the evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you and forewarn you by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation.” (D&C 89:4.) … The purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to prepare us to understand the beauty of life as the Lord has indicated it should be lived, by telling us how we may avoid the things that are destroying the world."

"I pause to ask....are we worthy to be called Saint?"
Sis. Nolan reiterate this question. If you think about your week, are you doing things that qualify you to be worthy to be called among the Saints?" 

Sis. Nolan related a few stories from Pres. Monson's talk from the recent Priesthood session. She encouraged us all to read it if we haven't already. From that talk...Are we seeing people for who they can become? Or are we judging them on who they are now? Christ loves them just as much as anyone else. What if our sins smelled of cigarette smoke? or we all came to church with our biggest sin written across our backs....How many would feel comfortable to attend?  

The lesson rounded out talking about how to teach our families the obey the Word of Wisdom...the best way is to obey it ourselves. 
"...the best evidence of our faith in that law, that we believe it came from God, is a consistent observance of it in our lives. We may preach it all day long, but if we transgress it in practice, our example may be disastrous to those we love better than life, for they will feel that they can safely follow where we lead. Let me plead with you, search the Word of Wisdom prayerfully. Do not just read it; search it prayerfully. Discover what our Heavenly Father gave it for. He gave it to us with a promise of longer life and happiness, not if we fail to observe it, but if we observe it. Read the Word of Wisdom in the presence of your families and set the example. If we will do that Zion will continue to grow. If we will do that the Church of the Lamb of God will continue to become a power for good in the world."  
Thank you Sis Nolan! 

- Sis Pyrah