Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thoughts from Sis. Pyrah

Dear Sisters, friends and neighbors - 

As I sat in RS on Sunday a few weeks ago and listened to the lesson I was overcome with a gratitude for this gospel and especially the organization of the RS. I thought about the short 2 years we have been here in Utah and in this neighborhood. I am grateful for the gospel and the church as it has given me "instant friends" when we knew no one and not a thing about the area. 

I was pondering all these things as I looked around the room and took the roll. There are so many wonderful sisters who we are not seeing each week or not at all. And we can name you by name. Now, please don't be offended by that remark. It's not a bad thing - we have just counted our sheep, we know their names and we are missing parts of our flock.

As we laughed, cried, shared stories and comments on Sunday my heart ached for those who weren't there to feel the joy of that hour of church and being together. We have a sisterhood in this gospel that I am not sure cannot be found in other religions. Women of all ages and backgrounds come together each week and each month to lean on each other, learn from each other, connect with each other and relate to each other. Through visiting teaching, monthly activities and weekly Sunday lessons, Heavenly Father has given us many opportunities to have "our cups filled". 

RS is not a place of judgement - it is a place of peace. RS is not a place of worry or stress - it is a place to release and lay those worries to rest for a bit. RS is not a place of perfection - it is a place to help lift you up to be better and best. 

We are all more alike then we think. We are all having our own personal struggles and trials. And we are all here for each other. Please consider joining us for the 3rd hour of church. We miss you. Please consider encouraging and inviting a sister in the ward to come to RS. Try sitting by someone who is sitting alone. Or saying hello to a sister who you haven't talked to in awhile or maybe never at all. And to those sisters who faithfully serve in other areas during that 3rd hour we welcome you to attend our monthly RS activities so we can feel of your spirits and enjoy your company as well.

It's the little things that matter. It's the little things that make a difference.  
By small and simple means, great things will come to pass.
We have a ward full of sisters who do and are capable of great things. "How great would be our joy" if could further unite the "sheep" of the Adams Park RS and do greater things together...

with much love, 

Sister Pyrah