Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Presidency message from Sis. Griffin - lesson summary

We had the wonderful treat of hearing from Sis. Griffin this month. The focus of her lesson was on the Atonement. She took a majority of her material from Elder Bednar's article in the April '12 edition of the Ensign. 

Elder Bednar says, "The purpose of the gospel is … to make bad men good and good men better, and to change human nature.” Thus, the journey of mortality is to progress from bad to good to better and to experience the mighty change of heart".

Sis. Griffin focused on 2 parts of the Atonement

1. Redeeming Power - helps us go from bad ---> good

It gives us the chance to repent everyday and try to do better.
She asked, "What are some of the things we need this power for?
Several ladies mentioned things like: gossip, anger, judgement, selfishness, with holding forgiveness, laziness, etc. She wrote all these things on the board and then took a giant eraser and they were gone from the board.
"As we go from bad to good we are becoming a saint. It leads us on the path to a saintly character.
It initiates change. He doesn't want us to pay Him back by suffering, he want us to change."

She then shared a wonderful story about a missionary from the back portion of the April Ensign. You can find it here.

2. Enabling Power - this takes us from good ---> better to even BEST

"We often view grace as the final boost. Enabling power/grace is available to everyone, everyday to face life with quiet courage. Elder Bednar recounts the story of when Nephi was bound with cords by his brothers. What did he pray for?......What would you have prayed for?....He prayed to have the strength to break the cords, not that his brothers would be punished.
What do WE pray for? Do we pray and complain - even about our blessings?Do we pray for our circumstances to change or the strength to deal with our circumstances?

Christ is not waiting at the finish line. He is with us everyday."

Sis Griffin gave a handout that said,"  Grace is not a booster engine that kicks in once our fuel supply is exhausted, it is our constant energy source.  It is not the light at the end of the tunnel, but the light that moves us through the tunnel. Grace is not achieved somewhere down the road. It is received right here and right now. It is not a finishing touch, it is the Finisher's touch."

Thank you Sis. Griffin for the wonderful message and spirit that was felt in the room.

- Sis Pyrah