Monday, January 2, 2012

Armor of God - lesson summary

Sis. Mark gave the lesson this Sunday on the Armor of God. 

In Ephesians we are told about the Armor of God. There are four vulnerable parts listed:

Sis Mark broke us into 4 groups each researching and discussing the scriptures and quotes associated with the piece of armor that protected these areas. Then each group shared their thoughts. 

I (Sis. Pyrah) was in the Shield of Faith group. A few things that struck me about the shield was, "The shield is made from: reverence, courage, chastity, repentance, forgiveness and compassion. In church we learn how to assemble and fit them together. But the actual making of and fitting on the shield of faith belongs in the family circle. " - Pres. Boyd K. Packer - may 1995

The scriptures in Ephesians also tell us of some offensive armor - the Sword of the Spirit. 
Sis Mark said you can't just a piece of armor - you need all the armor. 
General Conference warns us about the different "fiery darts" and sometimes it's the same ones they warn us about over and over.

Sis. Mark gave us 6 examples from the scriptures of those who put on all the armor of God
1. Joseph 
2. Daniel
3. Queen Esther
4. Anti Nephi Lehi's
5. Stripling Warriors
6. David

Quote that was read: "Examine your armor. Is there an unguarded or unprotected place? Determine now to add whatever part is missing. No matter how antiquated or lacking in parts your armor may be, always remember that it is within your power to make the necessary adjustments to complete your armor. Through the great principle of repentance you can turn your life about and begin now clothing yourself with the armor of God through study, prayer, and a determination to serve God and keep his commandments. " - Pres. Tanner - May 1979

Sis Mark shared an idea that she had received once and found it be helpful. She would pray that her family would put on the whole armor of God each day and carry that protection with them. 

Thank you Sis. Mark for sharing so many wonderful thoughts and personalizing the Armor of God for our day and time.