Sunday, January 29, 2012

5th Sunday - Lesson Summary

The Priesthood and R.S. met together for combined instruction from the Elders Quorum Presidency. They focused on Scripture Study and Prayer. 

Bro. Nolan read the Stake Vision Statement and related how it mentions both of these topics. He then told a story about how we don't purposely let our car run on "E" or past "E". Eventually it won't run. We can't perform at our top level if we are running on empty. The scriptures keep us going. Daily study helps to keep our tank "full". 

Bro. Jones asked what we worry about as parents? After various comments were made he shared this quote from Pres. Eyring:
"Hearts were touched by the proclamation on the family read by Pres. Hinckley last fall because we want for our families what God wants for them: that they will live in love and righteousness. But in our thoughtful moments we know that we will need help. We will need to invite the powers of heaven to guide our families in days when we are not there and to face spiritual dangers we may not foresee. 

Our families can be given a gift to know what God would have them do and to learn it in a way that will encourage them to do it. God has provided such a guide. It is the Holy Ghost. We cannot give that to our family members as a companion, but they can earn it." 

He asked us Why is it important to have Gods help when raising a family?

He shared this quote from Pres. Packer - "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior"
There are things we can't control but we need to focus on what we can control. 

Bro. Hackers focus was on prayer. He shared some passages from Hallmarks of a Happy Home by Pres. Monson. He then talked on developing a Pattern of Prayer. We read Alma 37: 35 - 37. From these verses, what does a pattern of prayer look like? 
comments that were shared included: 
- counseling with the Lord. We have to have that relationship with Him to talk to Him like we do our own earthly Father. 
- We need to keep his commandments if we want his blessings
- We need to keep Him in our thoughts

How do we develop a pattern of prayer? Bro. Hacker said one way is simply by doing it. Having morning and evening family prayer. Personal prayer and prayer over a meal. Sort of seems like we are praying all the time but by doing so it keeps our mind pointed to the Savior. It keeps the members of our family minds pointed there as well. 

Heavenly Father desires to bless us and give us knowledge. In the Proclamation it says: 

Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord, Jesus Christ.