Monday, January 16, 2012

#2 Love thy neighbor as thyself - lesson summary

Sister Crouch taught lesson #2 out of the George Albert Smith manual.  She began by giving us a little background on President Smith:
President Monson tells a story that demonstrates President Smith’s true character, one of love and generosity of his fellowman, by giving up his coat to a worker on the street in front of the Church Administration Building…read the full story on page 13.  President Smith's grandfather  and namesake was a cousin to the Prophet Joseph Smith; he also served as a counselor to President Brigham Young.  His father served in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  His maternal grandfather, Lorin Farr was the first mayor of Ogden, Utah and the first stake president in that city.  President Smith truly loved and admired his parents and learned the importance of loving his fellowman from their good example.When he returned from his mission he began courting his childhood sweetheart Lucy Woodruff.  She had many admirers; some of them were very well to do and offered extravagant gifts.  To that President Smith responded, “If you are interested in marrying someone for money it would not be me, because I have long ago decided that I will not devote myself or my life or my time to making money but toward serving the Lord and toward helping His children in this world”.  Lucy made her choice and the two were married May 25, 1892. You can read more about President Smith’s history in the front of the book. 
President Smith love for others grew from his sincere conviction that we are all brothers and sisters, children of the same Heavenly Father.
The lesson talked about 4 ways that we should reach out and show love.  Sister Crouch broke us up into groups to discuss and report on these sections.
1)      All people are our brothers and sisters, children of our Heavenly Father

We should always look for the best in our brothers and sisters and help them as we can. President Smith said “I have never seen a child of God so deep in the gutter that I have not had the impulse to stoop down and lift him up…”
Alma displayed this unconditional love toward his son Alma the Younger by never giving up on him.  Though it can be frustrating at times when those we care about aren’t making the best choices, we need to love and help them as best we can.

2)      The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us to love all of God’s children

Queen Ester demonstrated her great love for her people when she risked everything to reveal herself as a Jew to her husband the king and ask that he spare her people.
We’ve seen modern-day examples with the recent news story of the men in Logan who jumped into the Logan River to save children trapped in a sinking care.
President Smith counseled “Let us evidence by our conduct, by our gentleness, by our love, by our faith, that we do keep that great commandment…thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”.

3)      We exercise charity by reaching out to those who need help and encouragement

 We need to reach outside of our circle by showing unconditional love to those around us even if they don’t respond in kind.  It’s easy to love those who love us back.  Everyone deserves love and respect ; it’s real charity to reach outside of our circle and love those who need help and encouragement regardless of how long it takes them to love us back.

4)      True happiness comes from loving and serving others

“When our life here is ended and we return home, we will find credited to us there every good act we have performed, every kindness we have done, every effort we have put forth to benefit our fellows.”  President Smith was a true example of loving his fellowman unconditionally and with generosity and reminded us of the reward for doing so; “your happiness will be in proportion to your charity and to your kindness and to your love of those with whom you associate here on the earth…the more we give of that which is uplifting and enriching to our Father’s children, the more we have to give.  It grows like a great fountain of life and bubbles up to eternal happiness.”

Thank you Sister Crouch, we’ll enjoy having the opportunity to learn more about this prophet and his teachings.
 - Sister Teri Mark