Monday, October 3, 2011

Women's Broadcast thoughts

I asked Lexi Nolan if she would share a few thoughts from attending the R.S. Broadcast on Sept 24th. Here is what she said:

"An arch without a keystone is not an arch. It is just a pile of bricks. But, when the keystone is in place, it is able to withstand tremendous amounts of weight evenly throughout the structure. Making it very strong. And one little stone in the middle, makes that all possible.
As wives and mothers WE ARE the keystones in our family. IF in place we strengthen and balance out the weight of all the trials, hardships or burdens that our families encounter. 
President Uchtdorf's talk with the parable of the "forget me not" flower was so touching. And I think it is safe to say it has touched every women who listened to it.
There are five petals in the flower. And for each petal. He gave us something to remember.

1-Forget not to be patient with yourself.
2- Forget not the difference between good sacrifice and foolish sacrifice.
3-Forget not to be happy now.
4-Forget not the "why" the gospel.
5- Forget not that the Lord loves you.

President Uchtdorf as well as all the leaders in the church see the challenges we as women, mothers and wives face. Whether inflicted by ourselves or by others. That is why those five profound yet simple things we must remember are so important. Satan wants to destroy families and he knows how to get us.
Each time we forget is like a tiny scrape off our stone. The more and more it is scraped over time will weaken until it crumbles and with it the arch or our families. That is why as keystones we must keep in check constantly with ourselves.

I love this gospel and the leaders in it. They truly are here to serve us and guide us. They continually remind and teach us how we may be strengthened and sanctified. So that we may all return again and live with our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ. I love this time of year. To be able to listen to words of the Prophet and leaders of the church. And be lifted up until another six months has come." - Lexi Nolan


Thank you Lexi for sharing your thoughts with us! We hope everyone enjoyed that Broadcast.