Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Save the DATE!

Some of you have asked when the next R.S. activity is and we are thrilled that you are excited to be gathered together again! 

So - SAVE the DATE! November 8th - 6:30 pm at the church
It will be night of gratitude, fun, laughter and sisterhood. So what does Julie Andrews have to do with the activity you ask???? 
Well we all know the song that accompanies this photo right? Sing it with me - "These are a few of my favorite things!"  
For the activity we are asking that you bring 1 item that you are grateful for - a favorite thing. Make sure it costs under $5.00. A favorite thing that you can't live without but that you can give away. Everyone will go home with someone's favorite thing that night as we share our gratitude for all sorts of different gadgets, goodies and gizmos! 
A nursery will be provided for those whose husbands are not available that night.  

See you there! Don't forget to make sure you neighbors and girlfriends in the ward make it there that night! It's just too much fun with everyone there!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reflections from Sundays lesson - The gathering of Israel

Sunday's lesson was from the manual - chapter 42 - The Gathering of the House of Israel. Sis. Crouch gave the lesson. 

She did a wonderful job of explaining the lineage of the 12 tribes, the areas where they wandered and how there will be will 2 gatherings of the lost tribes before the Second Coming - A spiritual and a physical gathering. The spiritual gathering has already begun and was started by Joseph Smith. 
Becky shared the scripture found in 3rd Nephi 10:6. It says -  O ye house of Israel whom I have aspared, how oft will I gather you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if ye will repent and breturn unto me with full purpose of cheart.

 She asked us why a hen gathers her chicks? Why does Heavenly Father want his children to be gathered in? She said it was to protect us, bless us and teach us. 

She went on to say it is our obligation at the House of Israel to spread the gospel and we do that through missionary work. In the manual on the bottom of page 247 it states: "God gathers His children through missionary work. As people come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, receiving the ordinances of salvation and keeping the associated covenants, they become “the children of the covenant” (3 Nephi 20:26). He has important reasons for gathering His children. He gathers them so they can learn the teachings of the gospel and prepare themselves to meet the Savior when He comes again. He gathers them so they will build temples and perform sacred ordinances for ancestors who have died without having this opportunity. He gathers them so they can strengthen one another and be unified in the gospel, finding protection from unrighteous influences in the world. He also gathers them so they can prepare themselves to share the gospel with others."

Thank you Sister Crouch for your preparation and lesson. 

- Megan

Monday, October 17, 2011

Reflections from Sunday Lesson - The Postmortal Spirit World

This Sunday's lesson summary comes from Sis Mark.

"Betty Tobias taught us this week on the Postmortal Spirit World (lesson 41 in our Gospel Principles manual)

Though death is inevitable for all of us, we can gain much comfort from our testimonies of the gospel and feel gratitude for the knowledge that life goes on.  President Benson said "sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin.  Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us.

Sister Tobias reminded us that spirits carry from earth the same attitudes of devotion or antagonism toward things of righteousness; they have the same appetites and desires as when they were on earth.  Spirits are classified according to the purity of their lives and obedience to the will of the Lord while on earth; either in paradise or in spirit prison.  All will have the ability to progress, and have the opportunity to use gifts and talents they were blessed with on earth.

Those who are righteous are received into paradise; where they will enjoy a state of happiness, rest from all their troubles, and peace.  Spirits who honored their calling on earth are organized in family capacities.  The church is organized in the spirit world, and priesthood holders continue their responsibilities. Spirits in paradise are active in doing the work of the Lord, and missionary work continues to go on to those in spirit prison.

There are two categories in spirit prison, those who have not yet received the gospel of Jesus Christ and those who rejected the gospel.  These spirits continue to have agency and my be enticed by both good and evil.  Those who accept the gospel and have ordinances performed for them in the temples may leave spirit prison and dwell in paradise.  Those who reject the gospel will suffer in a condition known as hell.  The prophet Joseph Smith taught that their pain and suffering is from their own accusations.  After suffering for their sins they will be allowed, through the attonement of Jesus Christ to inherit the lowest degree of glory, which is the telestial kingdom." 

- Teri

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October's RS Activity

WOW!!! Can I just say how completely WONDERFUL it was to be in a room with so many sisters from our ward?? :) My heart was very full and grateful last night for all that made the effort to come out, all those involved with planning the night and those who participated as well. 

I can't wait to see you all at next's month's activity too! (tee he hee. yep! now you're expected to come!)
The messages shared, the music, the atmosphere, the sisterhood and feelings shared and felt made it such a wonderful night! 

and for those that loved the SOFT gingersnaps as much as I did, Pat Laraway is sharing the recipe she used! 
You can find the link for it here, or copy and paste the recipe below from TwoPeasandtheirpod.com

Soft Gingersnap Cookies

Yield: 3 dozen cookies
Cook Time: 8 minutes


2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
Pinch of fresh nutmeg
3/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup light brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup molasses
White sugar-to roll the cookie dough in


1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Combine the flour, baking powder, salt, and spices in a medium bowl. Whisk the ingredients together.
3. With a mixer, combine the butter and brown sugar until smooth and creamy. This will take a couple of minutes.
4. Add in the egg and vanilla extra. Mix until well combined.
5. Add in the molasses. Mix until the molasses is combined with the other ingredients.
6. With the mixer on low, slowly add the flour mixture. Add in a little at a time until all of the flour is mixed in.
7. Form the dough into Tablespoon sized balls. Roll the dough in white sugar.
8. Place the cookie dough balls on a large baking sheet with parchment paper or a Silpat. Make sure they are a couple inches apart.
9. I pressed down on the cookies slightly to help them flatten out. If you like puffy cookies, don't press them down.
10. Bake for 8 minutes and NO longer. You want them to stay soft! Let the cookies sit on the baking sheet for a minute or two, then transfer to a cooling rack.
11. Enjoy!
your RS Secretary - Megan

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Reflections from Sunday lesson - The Book of Mormon

This Sunday's R.S. lesson was given my 1st counselor, Lori Griffin. She taught her lesson from the October issue of the Ensign that is all about The Book of Mormon. 

She started off her lesson holding a wrapped gift and said that it was the said to be the "greatest gift every given to mankind". Better than advancements in space exploration, technology and travel. 

Tad L. Callister in this most recent general conference said: "Years ago my great-great-grandfather picked up a copy of the Book of Mormon for the first time. He opened it to the center and read a few pages. He then declared, “That book was either written by God or the devil, and I am going to find out who wrote it.” He read it through twice in the next 10 days and then declared, “The devil could not have written it—it must be from God.”
Sister Griffin brought up 3 points about The Book of Mormon - 

1. The Book of Mormon stands as a witness of Jesus Christ.
2. The Bible and the Book of Mormon stand together as witnesses of Jesus Christ. 
(see pages 24 - 27 of the October '11 Ensign) 

3. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion.  

She shared an inspiring and heartfelt story from page 59. I encourage all to read it and see the perspective about the "sacredness" of the Book of Mormon from this one man's point of view.

 Sis. Griffin also quoted Woody from Toy Story. In that movie he says," If you don't have a moving buddy, get one!" She turned that around and challenged each one of us, "You if don't have a testimony of the Book of the Mormon, get one." 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day of Service

Thanks to Marilyn Matthews for the great song reminder!
A Hygiene Kit, A Hygiene Kit.
I really, really, really love a Hygiene Kit.
It's got some soap and the towels and combs
Some toothbrushes and some toothpaste to-oo.

A Hygiene Kit, A Hygiene Kit.
We're gonna make a bunch for you and me!!!
A Hygiene Kit, a Hygiene Kit.
We're gonna give the rest to charity-y.

WHERE: Armory at Central Davis Junior High School (yes the location has been changed!)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

VT corner!

We've got a new monthly feature! Each month in the newsletter and also here on the blog you will be able to find what we are calling the "Visiting Teaching Corner." 

A monthly question, challenge or idea to incorporate if you want to when you visit teach....
Here's Octobers:

October - Ask your sisters what their favorite conference talk was and why?

you can always find the current VT corner question/idea on the right sidebar too! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Women's Broadcast thoughts

I asked Lexi Nolan if she would share a few thoughts from attending the R.S. Broadcast on Sept 24th. Here is what she said:

"An arch without a keystone is not an arch. It is just a pile of bricks. But, when the keystone is in place, it is able to withstand tremendous amounts of weight evenly throughout the structure. Making it very strong. And one little stone in the middle, makes that all possible.
As wives and mothers WE ARE the keystones in our family. IF in place we strengthen and balance out the weight of all the trials, hardships or burdens that our families encounter. 
President Uchtdorf's talk with the parable of the "forget me not" flower was so touching. And I think it is safe to say it has touched every women who listened to it.
There are five petals in the flower. And for each petal. He gave us something to remember.

1-Forget not to be patient with yourself.
2- Forget not the difference between good sacrifice and foolish sacrifice.
3-Forget not to be happy now.
4-Forget not the "why" the gospel.
5- Forget not that the Lord loves you.

President Uchtdorf as well as all the leaders in the church see the challenges we as women, mothers and wives face. Whether inflicted by ourselves or by others. That is why those five profound yet simple things we must remember are so important. Satan wants to destroy families and he knows how to get us.
Each time we forget is like a tiny scrape off our stone. The more and more it is scraped over time will weaken until it crumbles and with it the arch or our families. That is why as keystones we must keep in check constantly with ourselves.

I love this gospel and the leaders in it. They truly are here to serve us and guide us. They continually remind and teach us how we may be strengthened and sanctified. So that we may all return again and live with our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ. I love this time of year. To be able to listen to words of the Prophet and leaders of the church. And be lifted up until another six months has come." - Lexi Nolan


Thank you Lexi for sharing your thoughts with us! We hope everyone enjoyed that Broadcast.