Monday, September 13, 2010

Late Night Craziness

Look at the time! 
Talk --Talk-- Talk
And More Talk, as ladies are trying to sneak out to go to their own comfy beds after a wonderful program and delightful evening with each other.  UNFORGETTABLE!

Check out that spread--all of the sisters came armed with plenty of food!
Jackie was concerned she wouldn't have room in her car for all the treats, what with her sleeping gear and all!
All set up for where the sleeping MAY Happen.  Non-snorers BEWARE!
Games and Good laughs
Kitty, Mary, Jeanyce, Carrie L., Linsay, Lori, Kandice and  Shelly playing games until the wee hours.  So Fun-Fun-Fun!  They just laughed and laughed.  These women are amazing at being their "Purse-onal BEST!
Lori Griffin was HILARIOUS!  She kept helping the other team during Catchphrase!
To sleep or not to sleep....that is the question
Megan and Windy thinking about hitting the sack.  But no, that little corner( Sarah, Mary, Carrie L. and Chalyce) didn't close their peepers till after 2am!   What is funny though is that no one really said lets go to sleep, we just stopped talking!  Who would have thought that would EVER happen?!