President: Sis. Snow ~ 1st. Counselor: Sis. Griffin ~ 2nd Counselor: Sis. Mark ~ Secretary: Sis. Pyrah

Monday, February 25, 2013

Goodly parents - lesson summary

Sis. Tonya Murdock gave our lesson today combining 2 different conference talks - Becoming goodly parents by L. Tom Perry & Protect the Children by Dallin H. Oaks

Elder Perrys says he turned 90 this year and reflected back on all the change that has occured in his lifetime - think automobiles, technology, etc. Through all the fast pace and changes of life, we want the principles of the gospel to endure. At the top of the list and the target of the adversary is the sanctity of marriage and the strength of the family. 

Elder Perry says there are 5 things we should be doing in our families: 
1. Pray in earnest
2. Hold family prayer, scripture study, F.H.E. and EAT together as often as possible.
3. Use the churches network system. Communicate with primary teachers, youth leaders and quorum presidencies. 
4. Share your testimony with your children. 
5.Organize your family - simple rules and expectations, traditions, responsibilities and pay tithing.

Sis Murdock and other added several comments including these that I wanted to share:

"We have to Parent with our heart"
"There isn't an instruction manual"
"We don't have failures in our home, we have learning experiences"
"As long as you try, it's not a failure"

Switching over to Elder Oaks talk, Sis. Murdock asked us - What are some of the worldly influences our children face?
We need to make our homes a safe haven from the world. We need to make them a safe place to talk about things. Boundaries are a great safety net for everyone. Not just children.

Sis. Murdock shared a favorite quote:
Of all the joys in life, non other equals that joy of a happy parenthood.

She asked, "Are we happy parents?" She closed her lesson by saying parenthood is the hardest thing I've ever done but the rewards are great!