Monday, October 14, 2013

Snippets from Sundays lesson

Sister Amy Pressler gave the lesson, "The Kingdom of God Moves Forward" -- lesson 20 from the Lorenzo

Snow manual. What a wonderful lesson to go along with the emphasis our leaders are directing our

focus to in Hastening the Work.
President Lorenzo Snow said: "This work is built on a sure foundation, being founded on the rock of

ages….No matter who are lost by the way and make shipwreck of their faith, the Church will go on. This

Church will stand, because it is upon a firm basis….it has come directly from the Lord."

We discussed that with so many things in life that are unpredictable -- it is comforting to know we have

a gospel that is unchanging.

After being taught by our leaders this past general conference, may we feel the same desire that

President Snow felt after the October 1898 conference when he said: "Let us decree in our hearts,

let us inwardly testify to the Lord, that we will be a better people, a more united people at our next

Conference than we are today. This should be the feeling and determination of every man and woman

present in this solemn assembly. I feel in my heart that I will try to be more devoted than I have been in

the past to the interests of the kingdom of God and the carrying out of His purposes."

Great council from this lesson:

It is time for us to humble ourselves before God and accomplish the work He has entrusted to us.

"It is the business of those who profess to be engaged in [God's] work to move on, to go forward….So

long as there remains a step forward to be taken, that step should be taken."