Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lesson Summary - Being Chaste

This Sunday's Lesson was from the conference talk by Elder Bednar - We believe in Being Chaste

Sis Murdock taught and although this topic is usually one more for the youth she explained, we need to be chaste and virtuous in our marriages too. 
Too many people live in their past mistakes. We all make mistakes. Don't let them hang over your head. We need to move on. 

She asked, "What is the law of Chastity so important?"

Elder Bednar lists 7 things that support the importance of it: 
1. The Father's plan of happiness - We are all created in His image. We are told Chastity and virtue are precious and dear above all. 
Who knows the difference between chastity and virtue? 

She shared this quote from Margaret Naudauld:

“Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.”

2. Physical Body - We knew life would be difficult and to remain virtuous would be a life long challenge. 

3. Power of ProCreation - It's not good for man to be along. Man and woman learn from, create and bless each other. 
quote - Guilt to our spirit is what pain is to our body
Sis. Murdock had a kidney stone last week and she related how tiny it was and how much pain it could cause. Think about that relating it to a small sin - so much pain for our spirits and it can lead to shame, bitterness, sneaking, hiding, lies, etc. 

4. Standards of Sexual Morality - Intimate relations between a man and wife in mortality are the ultimate expression of divine nature and way of strengthening emotional and spiritual bonds between husband and wife. Be loyal to each other. 

5. Natural Man - Will I respond to the inclinations of the natural man, or will I yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit and put off the natural man and become a saint through the Atonement of Christ the Lord? That is the test. Every appetite, desire, propensity, and impulse of the natural man may be overcome by and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We are here on the earth to develop godlike qualities and to bridle all of the passions of the flesh.
6. Intent of the Adversary - Heavenly Father desires us to be in the light and filled with hope. The Adversary  wants us to be confused and unhappy. Lucifer seeks to frustrate and hinder our progress. He entices us to share in his misery. 
What or How are we tempted today? 
Several answers were shared. Here are some: 
Innocent relationships between Men and Women that can go beyond friendship. 
Facebook - reconnecting with old friends of the opposite sex
TV - every 4 mins there is a sexual reference
Internet Infidelity 
Physical contact
DBA - Don't be alone with a member of the opposite sex

7. Blessings of being Chaste - “I can think of no blessings to be more fervently desired than those promised to the pure and the virtuous...And not only shall they see the Lord, but they shall feel at home in his presence."
Chastity and virtue are now, always have been, and always will be “most dear and precious above all things” (Moroni 9:9).
Sis Murdock encouraged us to share this conference talk with our kids and grandkids. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Congrats to Sis Laraway

Hey! it's a "good news" minute! 
Congrats to Sis Laraway on this award! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lesson #8 - lesson Summary

Sis. Amy Pressler gave the lesson on Sunday - Search Me, O God, and know My Heart"

Sis Pressler said as women we judge ourselves harshly. But we have a loving Heavenly Father and older Brother and we are judge on our hearts not on our clean house, our hair do or our waist size. 

If we have established a proper character, we can confidently invite God to search our hearts.

We read from the manual, "In cases where a stranger applies for employment, or an office of trust, it is often required that he produce papers attesting his worthiness, from reliable parties, letters of recommendation and of introduction which are exceedingly useful in their way, assisting in obtaining favors and privileges which otherwise would be difficult to secure. It is, however, comparatively easy to obtain a written character, as it is termed, a character that one can put in his pocket; and, indeed, according to my observation it is not infrequently the case that people are the bearers of written characters which their real and true character fails to attest."

Sis Pressler asked, "What if we wrote letters of recommendation for ourselves? What it would look like/say coming from us vs. coming from someone else? Contrast that with a letter of recommendation written from Jesus Christ...Would we live differently? 
Think about writing such a letter. It could be a way to recognize your own gifts and talents and  you've been given these things to help and bless others. Think about your qualities outside of those associated with your profession. 

The manual goes on to say, "We must be true men and true women; we must have faith largely developed, and we must be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost to aid us in the work of righteousness all the day long, to enable us to sacrifice our own will to the will of the Father, to battle against our fallen nature, and to do right for the love of doing right, keeping our eye single to the honor and glory of God....we must be constantly en rapport [in harmony] with the Spirit of the Lord."

She asked us, What does it mean to be TRUE men and women? 

These are several accounts in the scriptures that can teach us to improve our character. As we exercise faith and repent of our wrongdoings righteous character traits develop within us gradually. 

In Ether 12 we are told that we are shown our weaknesses so that we can become strong. 
How can we allow ourselves to see our short comings without getting discouraged? 

Pres. Snow reminds us, "Our character, as Latter-day Saints, should be preserved inviolate, at whatever cost or sacrifice. Character, approved of God is worth securing, even at the expense of a life-time of constant self-denial. While thus living we may look forward … , with full assurance that … we shall be crowned with the sons and daughters of God, and possess the wealth and glory of a Celestial kingdom."

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Joy in Womanhood

Sis. Snow gave a beautiful lesson today with the focus being, "Finding Joy in Womanhood". 
With Mother's day next week she wanted us to think about the Blessings from being a woman. In 1999 there was a declaration released about Relief Society. In that is says, "We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose and direction...Find nobility in motherhood and joy in womanhood."

Sis. Snow shared this video with us:

Our daily routines can be filled with Challenging moments or times. But joy comes at other times.
She asked us, "How can we find joy in womanhood?" Motherhood has layers of meanings. More than bearing children. It defines our traits given to us from our Heavenly Father. The work of women is righteous and holy. We are all mothers in Isael who need to raise the upcoming generations. Motherhood was within us before we came to this earth.

She focused on 3 areas to bring a balance for joy in our lives.
1) Prayer - we wouldn't send out kids out the door ready for school without shoes. The same as we wouldn't go off to work/store without makeup or why would you head out the door without the power and protection of prayer.

2) Scripture Study - 

The scriptures are full of righteous women.
We have the privilege of having modern revelations. And conference is a wonderful place to hear the added words we need to hear for our day and time (psst! Get on the Ensign Challenge train!!!)

3) Service -
"As we lose ourselves in the service of others we discover our own lives and our own happiness" - Dieter F. Utchdorf

Grab hold of these 3 things and it will bring balance to your life and bring you joy.

She ended her lesson with this short video which had us all in tears:

May we honor our motherhood. Find joy in knowing we are in an eternal partnership with our Heavenly Father. Thank you Sis Snow for your wonderful Lesson!