Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Share your Talents and the Gospel

I know there was an email sent out about this but here it is again for reference. 
This is an additional RS activity being offered in May by the CherryLane ward in our Stake. I (sis pyrah) am actually a part of this group that has put forth this "missionary" effort. It's been amazing to be a part of! 

Here are the details: 
The Cherry Lane Ward has an activity planned for Tuesday May 14th 7:00 pm at the Stake Center.  Refreshments and Nursery provided.  The activity is titled: 
Be Anxiously Engaged in Sharing your Talents and the Gospel.  
We would like to invite anyone interested to attend.
We are having guest speakers come to tell us their experiences of sharing the gospel by doing things in their everyday lives.
This group of Mormon bloggers wrote down their testimonies and offered a packet along with a Book of Mormon to their readers.  they started offering the packets in early Sept.  so far they have sent out over 300 packets.  Already one young lady has been baptized as a result.  they are now working with and the Missionary Dept.  to alleviate the cost for the packets and shipping.
You can learn more about their objectives here:
 If you have any questions about this activity you can contact Julie Amussen at 801 546 1841.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lesson Summary Chapter 7 - Faithfulness in Times of Trial

Sister Nolan taught this weeks lesson and it was her last lesson before they move this week. 

The manual says, " Every man and woman who serves the Lord, no matter how faithful they may be, have their dark hours; but if they have lived faithfully, light will burst upon them and relief will be furnished.” 
Sis Nolan said it is often heard that members/people say that we do all these things right yet this bad thing still happened to us. She reminded us of Pres. Monsons words, The future is only as bright as your faith. 

Pres. Snow tells of a time he recalls when the Saints had very had living conditions. Little to no provisions, depending on neighbors for charity, nursing others who were sick. He organized groups. Some would stay and care of families and other would go off to work. They all pulled together to help each other. He invited everyone to his "little mansion". A place he could create to be a peaceful santuary as they sang together, read poems, etc. He said at the close everyone seemed satisfied and happy as though they were not homeless. 

Sis Nolan asked us How can be we keep going forward with faith like these Saints? Why did they? 
There were several wonderful comments shared, stories and emotions. Heavenly Father never gives us more than we can handle. 

The manual says, "however disagreeable it might have appeared to us, we were willing to conform to the will of God, and consequently we are here.. The Lord has determined in His heart that He will try us until He knows what He can do with us. He tried His Son Jesus. … Before He [the Savior] came upon earth the Father had watched His course and knew that He could depend upon Him when the salvation of worlds should be at stake; and He was not disappointed. So in regard to ourselves. He will try us, and continue to try us, in order that He may place us in the highest positions in life and put upon us the most sacred responsibilities.
If we succeed in passing through the approaching fiery ordeals with our fidelity and integrity unimpeached, we may expect at the close of our trials, a great and mighty outpouring of the Spirit and power of God—a great endowment upon all who shall have remained true to their covenants. …"

Through trials we can find a reason to smile and be happy. There is always something to bring you back up. When you can find happy moments in your darkest time that is pure joy. 
She asked us, "why do you need trials? Why do we need to stretch and grow? and how do they help us eternally?"

The manual goes on to say, "Be of good cheer—be not disheartened; for assuredly the day rapidly comes when your tears shall be dried, your hearts comforted, and you shall eat of the products of your labours. … Be honest, be virtuous, be honourable, be meek and lowly, courageous and bold, cultivate simplicity, be like the Lord; Every man and woman who serves the Lord, no matter how faithful they may be, have their dark hours; but if they have lived faithfully, light will burst upon them and relief will be furnished."

… I know that your lives have not been all sunshine; you have doubtless passed through many a trial, and perhaps have come up through much tribulation; but by continued integrity you will soon emerge from the shadows into the glorious sunshine of the celestial world.

Thank you Sis. Nolan for your service in this ward. We will miss you! 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chapter 19 - Missionary Wrok

 Sis. Amy Lanham taught our Lesson today. And the topic couldn't have been more perfect! She shared several great thoughts.

God knows how to bless our lives. Move on -- move up -- this is what going on a mission is for her.

Just through daily activities with those around us we can share the gospel. Manual pg. 227 first two paragraphs…she highlighted the start of the second paragraph, "This, then, should be our aim and object: to learn to make ourselves useful; to be saviors to our fellow man;"

2 Nephi 2:13 The gospel is necessary for us to be happy.

Alma 28:12 Through temple work we can be families through the eternities. The knowledge of eternal families helps root us in the gospel. There is happiness to be found in this life & after. "A missionary leaves his family for two years so that the people he teaches can be with their family forever." When we preach the gospel and help others be happy, we are fulfilled.

 From Preach My Gospel - pg. 1 You are surrounded by people. You pass them on the street, visit them in their homes, and travel among them. All of them are children of God, your brothers and sisters. God loves them just as He loves you. Many of these people are searching for purpose in life. They are concerned for their families. They need the sense of belonging that comes from the knowledge that they are children of God, members of His eternal family. They want to feel secure in a world of changing values. They want "peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come"

 (D&C 59:23), but they are "kept from the truth because they know not where to find it"

(D&C 123:12). The gospel of Jesus Christ as restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith will bless their families, meet their spiritual needs, and help them fulfill their deepest desires. Although they may not know why, they need relief from feelings of guilt that come from mistakes and sins. They need to experience the joy of redemption by receiving forgiveness of their sins and enjoying the gift of the Holy Ghost. Missionary work is for all people -- it is to bless the lives of all men. Are your missionary efforts based on a foundation of love?
Remember our full-time missionaries in your prayers. What greater gift can we give to others than the knowledge of Christ, of a better life, a better eternity? We influence others just through our example.
She is excited about sharing this knowledge with others on her mission.

Thank you Sis Lanham!