Sunday, January 27, 2013

4th Sunday - Ask the missionaries!!!

Sis. Murdock taught today's lesson from the conference talk - Ask the missionaries! They can help you! by Elder Russel M. Nelson

Elder Nelson said, "Two years ago and powerfully reaffirmed again this morning, President Monson declared “that every worthy, able young man should prepare to serve a mission. Missionary service is a priesthood duty—an obligation the Lord expects of us who have been given so very much.”1 Again he explained that for young sisters, a mission is a welcome option but not a responsibility. And again he invited many more mature couples to serve." 

What better education can a mother have than going on a mission. Sis. Murdock said, "It's going to be a missionary year."

You will not be magically transformed once you decide to go on a mission or be a missionary. It's a process that needs to be started long before we "decide". 

Sis. Murdock asked us, "Who knows the missionaries in our Stake?"
The conference talk says to get to know the missionaries and take care of them. 
She shared a book she is reading called, "The power of everyday missionaries." We are all missionaries. We know this. We need to magnify that "calling". She said she thinks most of us (including her) lack courage. 

Sister Jossilyn Webb was asked to bear her testimony about missionary work. She said she never really focused on "preparing" for a mission. She was just focused on living the gospel and preparing to go to the temple. She said, "while we are preparing to be missionaries, Heavenly Father is preparing people to be ready for the gospel." 

Sis. Murdock shared a story of courage that may help you. Elder Tom Perry tells a story of when he and his wife lived in Boston. One day at church a woman pulled up on a motorcycle wearing jeans and a tshirt. She sat in the back and after about 10 minutes Sis. Perry got up and went to sit by her. She just sat down and put her arm around. The woman teared up a few times during the service and when it was over said, "I think I will come back next week." She did come back and was greeted again by Sis. Perry who was wearing jeans and tshirt. 
I am sure that took courage for Sis. Perry to do and do this woman to come back. 

Although we may be told "NO" several times it is said that you need to ask 4 times before you get a "YES". No missionary experience is ever wasted. It's a seed that is planted. It's the feeling of the spirit and His influence being there that they will recognize again. And when their time is right - they will say YES. 

Sis. Murdock shared the saying, "Preach the gospel - use words if necessary." 
If you are looking for more knowledge about any of the following subjects - guess what?? The missionaries can HELP! 
To live a longer healthier live
Wondering what is your purpose? 
you want to strengthen your Family
to Gain Knowledge
to Understand the scriptures better
Want to help people in need
Wondering about life after death

Thank you Sis. Murdock. Every member a missionary! And remember what the STake President said, "We need to be praying for opportunities".

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Drop n Swap - next month!!!

Our activity next month will be a DROP n' SWAP!!

Think of it like a Yard sale WITHOUT the buying part! Gather up your gently used items - clothing, home decor, home goods, books, etc and bring them to the church. 

6:30pm Wednesday Feb 6th 
(no nursery. It's sort of come and go night - kids are welcome if necessary though) 

Come to drop stuff off. 
Come to just pick up a few things
or come to do both!!! 
Visiting and chatting are encouraged with a few goodies that night too! 

Please arrive promptly at 6:30pm to set out your items on the designated tables. We will start to wrap up the night at 7:30pm and run all the left over items to the D.I.

Spread the word! clean out those closets! See you next month!

p.s. later that month (feb) the Stake an activity for us. A special speaker plus a dinner I believe! more details to come....

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Learning by Faith - lesson summary

It's our first lesson from the new manuals - Chapter 1, Learning by Faith. 
Pres. Lorenzo Snow has always had a love of learning. He always had a good. His Mom and sister actually joined the church before he did. After he was baptized and confirmed, he eventually turned his interest more to “the education of the Spirit” than to “book studies.

Sis. Nolan asked us, "What leads a person to continue learning throughout their life? 

There were several comments made and wonderful insight shared from the sisters. 
The manual went on to say, "In this system of religion that you and I have received there is something grand and glorious, and something new to learn every day, that is of great value. And it is not only our privilege but it is necessary that we receive these things and gather these new ideas.
The whole idea of Mormonism is improvement—mentally, physically, morally and spiritually. No half-way education suffices for the Latter-day Saint. 

We have got to obtain knowledge before we obtain permanent happiness; we have got to be wide awake in the things of God...We have got so much ground to walk over, and if we fail to travel to-day, we shall have so much more to travel to-morrow."
Sis Nolan stated that we have got to keep pushing forward and progressing. If we "skip" a day of putting effort into something - ex.- reading the scriptures - we are that much further behind we start up again. 

The manual tells us, "There is a kind of education worthy [of] the best attention of all, and in which all ought to engage—that is the education of the Spirit. A little spiritual knowledge is a great deal better than mere opinions and notions and ideas, or even very elaborate arguments; a little spiritual knowledge is very important and of the highest consideration...If our minds are too one-sided, paying too much attention to the acquiring of earthly goods, to the neglect of spiritual wealth, we are not wise stewards."
Sis Nolan again presented a question to us, "What does the education of the Spirit mean to you?" Elder Bednar gave an example of the parable of the fisherman - The give a man a fish vs. teaching a man to fish. When you are given an answer by another person you are likely to remember it for a bit but soon it is forgotten. If you discover an answer for yourself it is highly more likely you will remember it. Some of our best education is "caught" not taught. 
The Holy Ghost is our teacher and we get to have a teacher with us all the time. 

Sis Nolan bore her testimony of Learning by faith by saying, now is the time to apply faith in your learning and it will broaden your mind, perspective and what you learn. You will be enlightened.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pres Message - Joy in the Journey

Sis. Snow taught the lesson this week and it was her 3rd opportunity to speak on the same subject - JOY. She hopes that by giving the same message 3 different ways that she has reached all the sisters in 1 way or another. 

She started her lesson by asking us, "Think about the things that bring you joy?"

Pres. Monson has told us that we live in a time of joy with so many blessings and we can find greater happiness in the smaller things of life. 

Do we ever look at others and think, "I want what they have...They seem so happy, etc." Sis. Snow emphasized, "We NEVER know the whole story." Any number of these people could be going through a hard trial in their lives or struggling with something but you'd never know it just "looking in". They are choosing to be happy even through their current circumstances.

Several Sisters then shared with us what brought them joy. Pres. Eyring shared a story once about asking himself each day, "Have I seen the hand of God in my life and the life of my children this day. He would then proceed to write down those things. Sis. Snow related that to almost being like a THANK YOU note to our Heavenly Father and we will find and see more gratitude and joy in our lives. 

Sis. Snow asked us, "What are the blessings of being in your season of your life?" - Every season has joy in it - just different joy and blessings to be had. She then turned out the lights in the RS room and held up a mirrored ball. Think of your life as the ball. As you shine your light the ball reflects that light all around. You can't predict where that light will fall, who it will touch. Isn't the world a better, brighter place when our light is shining and reflecting out. Can you image a mirror ball not shining? 

If you feel it - SHARE IT! Let your joy and light blossom outwardly. Let your light shine - you could make someone's day - you could change a life. 

Thank you Sis. Snow for kicking off our year of Focusing on JOY!!