Thursday, November 29, 2012

4th Sunday lesson Summary

Sis. Murdock gave the lesson this Sunday on the conference talk - The first great commandment - by Elder Holland

Sis Murdock asked, "What is the first and greatest commandment? To love the Lord their God with all their hearts." 

Sis Murdock talked about her love of how Elder Holland can explain the scriptures and retell the stories in a way that she understands them. He talks about the 11 disciples left after Jesus was crucified and how they just went back to their normal lives and "jobs". Then we Jesus returned and asked Peter 3 times if he loved him Peter was discouraged and didn't understand. 
From his talk is says, "Whatever his feelings, Peter said for the third time, “Lord, … thou knowest that I love thee.”To which Jesus responded (and here again I acknowledge my nonscriptural elaboration), perhaps saying something like: “Then Peter, why are you here? Why are we back on this same shore, by these same nets, having this same conversation? Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want fish, I can get fish? What I need, Peter, are disciples—and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do. Ours is not a feeble message. It is not a fleeting task. It is not hapless; it is not hopeless; it is not to be consigned to the ash heap of history. It is the work of Almighty God, and it is to change the world."

Sis Murdock asked, "Is it hard to prove our love to Heavenly Father everyday?"
"How much do we love and our loyal to the Lord? 60%?.....90%?....."

It has been said The greater the difficulty the greater the glory. Do you believe that? Would you rather have big trials to prove your love and loyalty than the easy life and hope that's enough?

The 2nd great commandment is to love thy neighbor as thyself. Who is my neighbor?
She shared a humorous poem I am trying to get a copy of. If so, I will post it here.

Why did God put the 1st commandment first?........If you put the Lord first, all other things fall into place or drop out of lives. 
Sis Murdock said she wasn't sure what our experience would be on judgement day but wondered if we would be asked, "Do you love me and what did you do on earth to further my work?
The crowning characteristic of love is loyalty. 

In Stake Conf. the President said, "if you have any gray hair on your head you need to go on a mission." 

Heavenly Father expects your love and loyalty at every stage of your life. 
story of the king
Sis. murdock shared a wonderful story about a king and his well running out of water. I'd like to share it in it's entirety and hopefully can find it get a copy.

When we give our love and loyalty we will receive more than we took. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A special RS night - not to miss!

The Adams Park ward Relief Society presents...

A night with Emily Watts
(well known author and delightful speaker)

Tuesday December 4th at 6:30 pm
Bring your daughters, mothers and friends for a holiday celebration you will not want to miss! 

**nursery provided**

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New spin on the Ensign Challenge!

Now that conference is over and the Nov. Ensign has been delivered it's naturally the time we start promoting the Ensign Challenge. This time we'd like to put a spin on it! 
Instead of reading all the talks and meeting in 6 months to discuss them we are going to spotlighting sisters each month! 
We'd like you to share a favorite quote/ your thoughts from a talk. What act are you taking because of this or what has it inspired you to do? Also, how is helping you in your journey or how does it bring you joy? 

We will be sharing several sisters thoughts each month so get reading! We may be asking you soon!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Lesson Summary - Chap. 20

Sis. Amy Pressler gave our lesson today. It was great to hear from her. 
The lesson came from the manual - Chapter 20 - Temporal Salvation for ourselves and others

Pres. Smith described the situation of the people as he became President of the church as WWII was ending. The war had left many nations devastated, and thousands of people were without food and other necessities.People who have been taken away from their homes with the idea that they were going to be allowed to settle elsewhere, and all of a sudden deserted, and then when they returned to their homes, found them pillaged and robbed of what they had—everything—and left helpless, with no place to go.”1 Because the Church had been in the practice of storing food for many years, it was prepared to help in these circumstances. 

Sis. Pressler asked, " In what ways do we develop as we serve others?"

Pres. Smith in 1946 said, "We are living in perilous times." What could be said of our times today? And what can we do to prepare to increase our food storage and be prepared for our temporal needs? 

The Lord has directed us to work to earn our own livelihood. Sis. Pressler asked, "How can you teach your children to work?" As a teacher herself she said she can tell the difference between kids who have responsibilities as home verses those that don't. 

In the manual is says, "Our Heavenly Father … said long, long ago there were idlers in Zion, … and he said, “He that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer.” [D&C 42:42.] I am assuming that he did not mean those who cannot find employment, and who are legitimately trying to take care of themselves. I am assuming that he referred to the habit some people get into of leaning upon their neighbor. … I feel that there has been no justification given to any man in this world to feel that he can depend on somebody else to provide him a livelihood. I did not feel when I was a child that somebody would be compelled to provide me a means of living. The Lord gave me intelligence. He directed that I should work, and I began to work when I was twelve years of age, and I found joy in it, and have earned my living and helped others during more than fifty years." 

Let us be DO-ers of the work and not just HEAR-ers only. 

The lesson wrapped up with a final topic, - If we are generous with our means, there is a no need for anyone to go without. 

It said, " Let us … look around us in our neighborhood—not leave it to the Bishop and the Relief Society, but let each of us be ministers of loving kindness to those who will need us so much....If we desire to be identified with the kingdom of our Lord, the celestial kingdom, this is our opportunity to prepare,—with love unfeigned, with industry, with thrift, with perseverance, with a desire to do all that is within our power to bless others, to give—not to be always feeling we must receive, but desire to give, for I say to you: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” [Acts 20:35.] The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of giving, not only of our substance but of ourselves, and I thank my Heavenly Father that I belong to such an organization that has been so instructed."

Thank you Sis. Pressler for your energy and relate-able stories. We enjoyed hearing from you! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

1st Sunday lesson summary - family

Sis. Mark presented a wonderful lesson on Sunday about families. 

She focused on 4 areas. We split into 4 groups and discussed these topics and then shared our thoughts with the rest of the women. Here are the lists the women came up with according to the word

1. Importance:
strength and support, enjoyment, haven from the world, peace, acceptance, unconditional love, unity as a family. 
Sis Mark shared this quote, "Societies at large are strengthened as a families are." 

2. Challenges:
time, illness, schedules, finances, house work, traditions, church callings, work a holic, extended family, difference of opinions. 

Another quote was shared that said, "...the voice of domestic peace is a quiet one." 

3. Relationships:
Be forgiving, tolerant, be quick to listen slow to react, take responsibility, let grudges go, let family be who they are, don't judge, have patience with in laws, establish boundaries with extended family, treat others with respect. 

Pres. Kimball said, "...avoid ceaseless pin pricking." Sis. Mark said that the big things are the little things we do. Encouragement and appreciation are key. 

4. Communication: 
more than talking and listening, reach out, do things together, FHE, serve together, serve each other, dig deeper to what is being said, listen to listen - not to just solve the problem. 

Sis. Mark wrapped up the lesson reminding us all to be thoughtful and kind to others and those we have relationships with in our family.